Friday, 24 July 2009

Thursday, 26 March 2009

New edit

Pip got rid of the black at the end;

Remember vote vote vote; Click Vote, Search for Boxcar, Click thumbs up then do it all again tomorrow!

Monday, 23 March 2009


Go to

Search Boxcar and vote for us! Here's the finished video;

Monday, 16 March 2009

Filming - Day 2 Complete

Nearly done now, just a few more cut away shots to get tomorrow. Filming was a great sucess, we had quite a crowd gathered on Hampstead Heath when we went down Parlement Hill. I had to play stunt double as James was a little to scared to go down first but after I paved the way every man and his dog wanted a go!

Many many thanks to James for getting in the pond and for all his hard work. If we win we'll buy you something pretty!

Editing now, and writing the backing track. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the footage.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Filming - Day 1 Complete

That went really well! Well done to James who soldiered on after (whilst only in swimming trunks) he was confronted by three police at Buckingham Palace, froze half to death going across Millennium Bridge and starred in a video for Tell magazine on his travels yesterday. We also learned he is no longer JD but JP thanks to dedpoll, we decided to call him James to stop confusion.

Hopefully we got some great shots and we got lots of very nice comments on the way. Who knew Londoners could be so nice? Even he police wished us good luck and said they'd vote for us!

Right, now it's Day 2, time to shoot all the park scenes. Hopefully the Boxcar will go a bit faster down the hills on Hampstead Heath; central London is quite flat and my arms hurt from pushing!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Make your own Waterslide Boxcar

Yes now YOU can own one just like it! Check out exactly how to make it at instructables

Monday, 9 March 2009

The Original DIY clip

Here's the clip that they have on the competition page. It's pretty awesome, but I recon we can try to match it.

Here's the original ad... for refernce!

The Finished Waterslide Boxcar

Here it is! I'm excellent at posing for the camera;

Boxcar Production - Step 4

Finishing touches

We added a rope to the front to pull it along with and a block of wood to mount BOXCAR CAM on. We added tubing to the outside because the edges were sharp and we want to make sure our nice rider JD doesn't get hurt.

Here is a picture of my Pa fixing the pull rope in place.

The thing I learnt here (an important life lesson) is if in doubt; blow torch trumps all.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Our Barclays Man!!

With surprisingly little persuasion or alcohol intake I found a very willing guy to go round London town in our Waterslide Boxcar. Yay! for my 6ft 7 friend JD

Boxcar Production - Step 3

Make Axles

We used a solid threaded steel rod for the central axle and surrounded this with two hollow metal poles (previously washing line poles). This is so the axle won't bend under pressure. Here is a picture of my Pa cutting the poles to size (again, I'm not safe with the power tools)

Sparks are cool.

Even fuzzy out of focus sparks are cool

Attach Axles and Wheels

After knocking in all the poles into the according holes we attached two locking nuts to the threaded pole to secure the outer poles in place. Then we attached the first hub and fastened that in place with a nut, then the wheel and the second hub. We then secured the whole thing in place with two locking nuts. Wheels!

Repeat adding the wheels x4 then inflate the tires. BAM! One waterslideboxcar... pending finishing touchs.

Boxcar Production - Step 2

Make the base

The base fits in the bottom of the barrel to carry the weight of the person inside without bending the barrel, chassis or axel. It's made by screwing two bits of 2x4 to some ply wood. We cut the edges of the ply wood off so it fitted neatly in the bottom of the barrel and arranged the 2x4 so it wouldn't lift up the base. We then screwed the 2x4 to the ply wood and drilled 2 holes in each 2x4 to make a hole for the axel.

Of note is Kitty in this picture. She is happy because dogs don't get to ride in Waterslideboxcars. Wimp.

Drill axel holes in the barrel

We marked out the right place for the axel holes in the barrel and then drilled them really big to allow for discrepencies.

Attach base to barrel

We then bolted the barrel to the base in 3 places each side. It seems pretty secure but I'm sure we'll put this to the test.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Boxcar Production - Step 1

Get a water butt

I was going to use the one from my ma's garden but she said she needed that for collecting water in ... weird, so we got this one from a strange place in the Forest of Dean. It was only a tenner as it was second hand; it used to hold BBQ sauce in. Turns out it still had 3 buckets of BBQ sauce in for first thing we did was empty it and wash it. I smelly saucy.

Cut hole in water butt

We cut a hole in the top using a saw and jigsaw. By 'we' I mean my Dad as 24 is still not old enough to use power tools apparently.

Friday, 6 March 2009

The Prize

Barclaycard have recenly posted a video playlist on YouTube of all the waterslides we could visit if we win...

How awesome? VERY

Right we really need to win now. I'm upping any anti's!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The Revised Plan

Thanks to a discovery by my Ma of a nice blue water barrel in the garden we now have a revised Waterslide Boxcar design;
I like how it will look like more like a waterslide and how I won't need to do any woodwork. I may need to get my ma a new water butt though. Also anyone know how to cut plastic?! I think chainsaw.

And yes Pip, I just said butt.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The Plan

So this is the basic Waterslide Boxcar plan. It contains all the elements of the Barclaycard waterslide but in handy not-cost-a-fortune-and-need-planning-permission form. It has;

in the form of bags pumped by the feet

wheels are technically sliding

as long as we can find a way to charge up that rubbish one that is knocking about the house

Next we need to sort out the Barclaycard guy. Any volunteers?